Problem Statement

Write a function that takes in a string of one or more words, and returns the same string, but with all five or more letter words reversed (Just like the name of this Kata). Strings passed in will consist of only letters and spaces. Spaces will be included only when more than one word is present.


describe SpinWords do 
  it 'returns same word for size less than five' do 
    expect("This".extend(SpinWords).spin).to eql "This"

  it 'returns the reverse word for size greater or equal to five' do 
    expect("words".extend(SpinWords).spin).to eql "words".reverse

  context 'phrases' do 
    it 'returns the same words for phrases smaller than 5' do 
      expect("This word".extend(SpinWords).spin).to eql "This word"

    it 'returns the same the proper spin for "Hey fellow warriors"' do 
      expect("Hey fellow warriors".extend(SpinWords).spin).to eql "Hey wollef sroirraw"


module SpinWords 
  def spin 
    split(/\s/).map { |word|  word.size >= 5 ? word.reverse : word }.join(' ')

Bonus implementation

module SpinWords 
  def spin 
    gsub(/\w{5,}+/) { |w| w.reverse }

What did I learn from this kata?

Actually most of the implementation details from this solution I knew it already; but what I think was worth while was starting for the most simple problem that I had and keep iterating at first some of the first part of this implementation did not work for the more general parts of the problem but then I just change the implementation and did work. One of the the main things I think I learned was that probably I have to learn how to identify the best simple problem to start with; because I had to change the first implementation entirely when I confront myself with more complex cases. So I think that’s worth researching on.

Regarding the two implementations I think the gsub one is more clear than the first one I did; also probably faster but I did not do any benchmark so I can’t know for sure. Anyways I think this was a fun kata for today; until next time.