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SOLID GO - Refactoring to Open/Close Principle
Single Responsibility Principle in Go
Defining custom types in Go
Test Doubles in Go
Til: Getting Into Rescue Mode With a Linux System
Interviews - Asking the Right Question
My List of Best Practices for Rails Applications
Pairate another pairing session
Paring Session: Adding roles to a Rails app
Service Objects in Rails
How to Identify More Than One Level of Abstraction in a Method
Picking the Language of the Year
In the Year 2014
Kata a day: Narcissistic numbers
Baruco 2014: The good, the bad and the ugly
A kata a day: Simple Sentences
A kata a day: Substring counter
A kata a day: Spin words
Code Read: Dotenv part 3
A Kata a Day: Format Words or today I wrote the ugliest code ever
Code Read: Dotenv part 2
Code Club: Reading Dotenv part 1
Lunch and Learn: Reading code good by Saron Yitbarek
Lunch and Learn: Lunch and Learn: Concerns, Decorators, Presenters, Service Objects, Helpers, Help Me Decide! by Justin Gordon
A kata a day: Sum numbers
A kata a day: Scraping a site
A Kata a day: Inject part 2
Lunch and Learn: Jim Weirich on Decoupling from Rails
A kata a day: Friends
A kata a day: inject; part 1
A kata a day: Hours
How to approach a old Rails code base
Is this a God Object?
Lunch and Learn: Rules by Sandi Metz
Another refactoring story
My GPA at Code Climate is 3.59: A refactoring story
What to refactor?
Jobs Interview - More Ruby, Rails questions and answers
If you are going to isolate from Rails why not ditch Rails?
Why is strong parameters better than other methods?
Starting a project by myself
Why I think some projects fail?
Replace Rake with Thor... but why exactly?
First post of 2014 and new theme
Lunch and Learn: Building a culture of code quality by Bryan Helmkamp
Lunch and Learn: Bad Ruby code doesn't exists by Matt Aimonetti
Is Github truly the new resume?
Struct as collection or not
Rubyconf 2013 quick recap
Rails job interview - Which ActiveSupport method have you used?
Job interview - Rails main components
Give vim a try for a month
Lunch and Learn: Why hasn't Ruby won? by Sarah Mei
Lunch and Learn: It's not your test framework is you by Robbie Clutton and Matt Parker
Lunch and Learn: Optimizing for Happiness by Ernie Miller
Helvetica a documentary
Clojure: Learning Roadmap
Thoughts: Another way of doing Hexagonal Rails
Lunch and Learn: Using Backbone.js with Rails: Patterns from the Wild by Sarah Mei
Racket TriForce
I'm starting to fall in love with Racket
Practice: Found an Exos for Refactoring
Lunch and Learn: GET /Better by Mark Bates
What would be a good job interview
Lunch and Learn: Becoming a Better Hacker by Jessica McKellar
And here we go...